Jun 20Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

This is awesome! I love the pics of your different Spirit bears but even more I love that he would suggest such an amazing idea.

It must be so hard to struggle with nightmares, I hope this has helped.

Thank you for sharing this Kim.

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Luckily they have subsided significantly since writing this last year. ❤️

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That's good💕

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Jun 20Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

You found your guy—and your spirit animal. It is truly miraculous and wonderful. Blessings to you 🙏

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This is why I loved the post about your own love story. I love when people find their person. Blessings right back at you, Dee.

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Incredible. What a blessing he is to you, as I’m sure you are to him

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What a wondrous story! Just love seeing you two together! I'm so sorry you are coping with nightmares, but what a creative solution for rewriting the moment and making you feel safe. We can all only hope for something so extraordinary. xo

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Jun 22Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

A lovely piece of writing so glad you 'reshared'. My person is also my hubbie of 30 years and i knew this after 1 date which i asked him on ;) Dont yet know about my spirit animal but have always loved dolphins and whales, wanted to be a marine biologist as an 18 year old *but it didnt turn out that way, otherwise i wouldnt have met my hubby lol. I am a full glass type of person and he is an empty glass type of person most days, so strangely enough our opposites have kept us together all this time. I tell my girls, opposites may attract initially but then you have to remember why and live through the differences.

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What great advice for your kids! A dolphin would’ve been my spirit animal when I was young. I’m thinking the orca whale is a good one for this phase of life. They are strongly bonded to their family and they frolic in the ocean. Two things I love. Thanks for sharing. ❤️

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Jun 21Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

My heart is so full after reading this, Kim. Love this for both of you. ❤️ (PS, I am obsessed with spirit bears and would love to see one in the wild one day!)

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Thanks Maddie. It would be amazing to see one. Have to go deep into the wilds of the coast of BC to find one (although we had a 3-year-old black bear wander down our driveway last week. Came head to head with my dog, who is a big Bernese mountain dog and had no idea he was coming nose to nose with a bear. The bear finally got up on his hind legs and Ryder figured it pretty quick!)

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Jun 21Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

How wild—I’m so glad your dog was OK! 😱

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My person is my wife. Mt spirit animal is a Shih Tzu named Sophie who happens to be right beside me.

Beautiful post, Kim.

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I hear Shih Tzu’s can be mighty scary when they want to ward off strangers. Or at very least loud and think they’re scary!! 🫣 😂

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Jun 20Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

So dear Kim, what a good man you have in your life. ❤️

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Because I’ve read your memoir I know you have one too! ❤️

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This was stunning. Your hubby sounds like an old soul. Beautiful pic of the two of you.

My person is also my hubby. When it comes to trauma we are there for each other. It’s been a tougher road for him since he lost his family at young ages. His mom at 50, sister at 27 and dad at 69. All cancer. I was there for the passings except his mom. Jeff and I met a couple years after his mom died. We are the Yin and Yang.

Another Substacker recently asked about spirit animals. I don’t have one. When I meditate I sometimes see an angelic, purely loving version of myself and try to conjure her when life sucks.

Thx for sharing your hubby and beautiful relationship with us.

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Wow. That’s a lot of loss at a young age for your husband (and you). Glad you have each other. And I love you are your own angelic spirit person. ❤️

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I enjoyed reading this one again.

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