This is supposed to be fun. Writing is always work, but it should fulfill you, not drain. Same for being in this community. ❤ It should be fun, not a drain. Happy 2024, Kim. xo

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^ Leave it to Sandra to be the voice of reason about happiness! Co-signed.

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Haha! I know right? Writing is still very fulfilling. Thank-goodness. It was the constant messaging I was seeing about making Substack your business, or how you can make it a business endeavour. My brain started ticking away down a familiar path and I had to check myself when I realized what I was doing. Luckily, I've given myself a good talking to and I'm back on track. Back on the fun track (and sassy too I hope!)

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And, yes, Kim. You are officially sassy. xo

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😘 xo

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Jan 5Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

So well put Sandra. The balance you allude to is easily lost when we lose our "peripheral vision" of the other things that help us to be our best selves. Thanks

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Thank you, Mark. Agreed. I've come to find that we humans have a terrible habit of making fun things utter drudgery. Especially in this monetizing/side-hustle culture. It's just silly and we need to keep ourselves in check. Wishing you a lovely 2024. xo

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Jan 5Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

". . . habit of making fun things utter drudgery" - I can only speak for myself but can so well understand where you're coming from. In my case, I think it's a combination of being a workaholic and perfectionist which drives me to "perform" at my best even at risk of losing the joy. So much of this comes down to keeping a good perspective and again balance.

Here's wishing you a rich and joy-filled New Year!

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It's a great point. I definitely over did it as well, to the detriment of the number of books I read in 2023.

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Jan 5Liked by Kim Van Bruggen


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Jan 6Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

This article so resonated with me. I am a reader, not yet a writer, followed my favourites to substack and found other writers (like yourself), and with an 8 to 5 job with often overtime, i have also gorged on your same smogasbord, and besides keeping my brain overwhelmed, has left no space in my brain or schedule for 'reading my books'. It was like when following my Blogger writers 10 15 years ago. Just way too many 'want to read' and they replace my book reading time. Which afyer 6 months is a no_no. And FOMO in this case certainly affects me.. i haven't yet found my answer to the problem....but knowing the problem is a good start. Thank you for illuminating this so exactly for me...;)

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6Author

Hi Lesley. I'm glad this resonated. And I'm glad you found me. I've been on the platform for almost a year. I fluttered around in January/February and really got going in March. Tonight I went through the list of people I've subscribed to and started pairing it down. It's helped that I've been on for a little while, so I knew right away the ones I always look forward to and engage with at various times over this past 11 months. I wouldn't have been able to discern this any earlier. Interestingly, I've found I've gravitated to the ones where they might not have thousands of subscribers or be well known, published authors (although Margaret Atwood will always be on my list!) Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Good luck as you figure out your strategy moving forward.

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Naming the prob is the first step to resolving it, eventually "Labelling" becomes easy. But no label is a total definition, and must therefore be revisited as an old friend cum stepping stone; n'est ce pas, Maurice

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Found myself nodding along furiously with this one! I just took two weeks off from writing, to reflect and look forward while reducing outside input—and it was a clarifying exercise.

It helped me question things like my weekly publishing cadence, which I adopted...mostly because Substack’s how-to guides suggested it?! 😅

Really appreciated getting to hear about your approach and experience. Gorging at the buffet before paring back is a normal and relatable dynamic!

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Hi Maddie. It's so funny. When I was writing this, I was thinking of you and Your Five-Year Plan -especially your flames logo. It's ridiculously on the mark. As you well know, no matter how much planning we do, going sideways is always a strong possibility.

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“If a dumpster fire were a logo...” 😜 At least we’ve got solidarity amidst the whole life-going-sideways thing! Grateful for that.

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Ohhhhh yes so known and felt here too Kim. Thanks for the refrain: “ and that’s OK!” I’m also pruning my attention-grabs, de-stimming off the “business” focused stuff and narrowing in on those writers with whom I have a connection & on some core writing and art publications and letting the rest chill til I’m back in that mode. Restful New Year to you 🫶🏼

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You too Lisette. I'm ready for the chill vibe for a while now too.

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Thank you for this post. For saying what I've been thinking. The goal to break out on this platform is becoming a pervasive theme in posts and on notes. The word of tje year is CURATE.

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CURATE! Love it. Adopting it. :)

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Jan 5Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

My box is overstuffed too... but if it doesn't light me up or teach me something, I find I have to let it go... because life and the world just feel like so much right now. And when I fall behind, it's not the end of the world. :) ❤

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"if it doesn't light me up or teach me something..." Yep. It's time for me to pare down.

As for you, Ms Jones, you are literally and figuratively overstuffed! I wish I could knock the stuffing out of your landlord dudes. I hope the healing is coming along nicely. Trying to think of something funny for you, but I got nothing!

Oh, except Barbra Streisand. Can hardly wait until you get a chance to listen.

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An all-you-can-eat-substack-buffet is a temptation hard to resist. Sometimes one has to stop to wash the plates

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Excellent post, Kim. This really resonated. For various reasons, I'm no longer thinking of trying to monetise my writing here. I'm going to focus on the craft and community of writing.

PS I hate buffets...

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I'm here for that Jeffrey! Right there with you.

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Jan 5Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

Way to generously and so clearly share your true-life current (un)learning experience ... reflecting on your “trying-to-dance too fast” experience and “filling up your dance card” with too many dance partners before midnight...helps remind me to keep doing my best at continuously balancing the learning the new and (un)learning the old patterns that get me out-of-balance with doing my best at life and learning and loving what I’m doing in the present 🙏

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Author

Thanks Tom. And yes, it was definitely trying to dance too fast, or the other analogy I was thinking about was running. I was sprinting, when I needed to be jogging along enjoying the scenery. The whole it's a marathon, not a sprint thing. But I love the dancing analogy too.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

-- Your essay, Kim, adeptly showcases a rigorous examination of thriving as a writer, whether here on Substack or anywhere else. With a fluid writing style, you provide a great reading experience. Overall, it’s a stellar piece that effectively communicates its message. Thank you. Xo.

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Thank you so much for your kind words Thaissa. I really appreciate you being here and sharing your thoughts and encouragement. xo

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Jan 6Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

Thank you so much for this Kim. I am right there with you on pulling in my focus, taking care of body, and putting my attention on the writing that speaks to my heart. Wishing you a healthy and restful new year💫

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Jan 6Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

Did anyone else here ever write on Medium? It started to feel the same there, too, when they turned on monetizing. There it was about followers and claps. Here, the metric is subscribers. We sometimes don't do well when there is a fancy metric we want to grow or compare ourselves to others with!

PS. There's a handy tool called Kindle4RSS, which let's you read your favourite blogs on your Kindle

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Hi Jas. I haven't written on Medium. I haven't ever tried writing online before, so this is my first experience in this arena. Thanks for the other handy tip re: kindle.

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Jan 6Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

This resonates deeply, both the overconsumption and the temptation to lose track of my purpose in this space right now. Thank you for the grounding. I have to tell myself to turn the knob down. Sometimes it slips back when I'm not looking.

Yes I do realize I just added another subscription to my reading list. 😶‍🌫️

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"Sometimes it slips back when I'm not looking." yep. Same same.

Thanks for being here. It looks like we are travelling a similar path, although you are much younger than me by the looks of it. So, bravo to you for sorting through this stuff now! It's hard work, but likely best work we'll ever do.

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I took a three-week writing break from Substack in December/January but occasionally popped in to read Notes in the app. I ended up ignoring all year end wraps and listicles and goal-setting posts because I found the genre overwhelming. In the past, this hasn't been the case for me. However, I had a year that did not go at all as planned, so I think you've named the dissonance I felt when coming to a place that normally felt fun and connective online. In other words, I had a mental "It's me, not you" experience with scrolling past those posts.

Thank you for helping me identify this. I feel less imposter-y.

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Hi Jen. This sums up how I felt too!! I'm sorry last year didn't go as planned. Have you checked out Maddie Burton's "Five Year Plan" newsletter. (She's a hard core planner who's plans went up in flames.) She's in the comment section here👆 a little further up. She's a great writer and I think you might enjoy it.

P.S. Welcome back. Now let's go out and have fun again!

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Jan 5Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

Remember the saying, "everything in moderation" Kim. It's so true even when it comes to reading or anything in life. What if we simply devoted this year to LOVING ourselves more? Yesterday Neil's best friend our best man passed away. Another girlfriend of over 50 year's of mine has inoperable stomach cancer and 6 weeks ago had a 4 cm brain tumour removed. Soooo ..... There will be no New Year's resolutions for me. I've come to realize that life isn't something you can ever just resolve. Instead I choose to believe that life is a breathtaking adventure and I have the courage to live it to the fullest . Love Annie XO

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Annie, you are absolutely right. I'm sorry to hear about your friend and the loss of Neil's friend. I'm sending you a virtual hug from Victoria.

And, here's to the breathtaking adventure and all that it brings. xo

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I love the reflection, the commitment to pause and respond ... I love the permission giving ... remember also It’s OK that you are not OK ... that's a plug to Megan Devine's book by the same title. Keep unlearning Kim ... it's a gift for all of us.

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Thanks so much Dina. xo

P.S. And yes, the unlearning seems never-ending. 🤦‍♀️ ;)

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Jan 5Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

Thank you for this reminder! I was feeling exactly the same way as you… Trying to find the “right” way to write on substack, rather than writing how I want to write!

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Hi Alice. It's a trap I think many of us fall into. I love hearing great ideas and advice, I just have to remember I don't have to take all of it. Take only what resonates with me and then leave the rest. So simple, but I was making it so complicated all of a sudden.

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