Thank you, this was great.

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Absolutely Kim: mistakes, once we learn to be self honest, form the bedrock of Self Teaching.... Now if only we could get a few Tory and GOPs to absorb the concept, maybe restacking might help ?

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😂 I wish it could be so easy! Thanks for the restack Maurice.

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May 24Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

Excellent blogpost thanks Kim. I always tell my team 'i make mistakes and that's how i learn better than instruction '....even in creativity mistales is what leads us down the learning path discovering new ways...

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Once one accepts the concept it's a life changer

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Thanks Lesley. And yes, learning by doing, mistakes and all is great advice.

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Mistakes/failures are the best teachers. They aren't always fun, aren't great at dinner parties, but they are ways to better ourselves (once we tend to our wounds...usually bruises on our egos). Love this, KVB. Never be afraid!👻❤️ xo

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A little caution always defeats fear

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If that’s the case, I’ve spent my life learning from only the best teachers. I suspect the bruises on my head, knuckles, and ego are not serendipitous. It’s quite possible that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

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Wonderfully put. Ouch eventually becomes seen as Inspiration,.... with chuckles

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Is this another way of saying you are/were stubborn? I am a Taurus. As stubborn as they come. There’s a personality trait I hung onto for far too long and unlearning as fast as I can. 😜

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As one Taurus to another........

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No, I’m simply stupid. Big difference between that and stubborn.

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I dunno. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m starting to think I stubborn is the new stupid. 😂

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Are we morphing?

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LOL. I share that space with you, Switter. It's our way of paying it forward. xo

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I'm definitely adjusting my thinking around what constitutes a mistake, as well as my attitude as to why they're not so bad in the long run. After the wounds start to heal makes it much easier to look at things with more perspective!

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As one who has f*cked up and failed manymanymanymany times, there's a point where a sense of humor and humility help ease in the enjoyment of it, and the lessons become learned quickly. When in doubt: Oh, well. So what? Who cares?! xo

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Kim Van Bruggen

In flying, any landing you can walk away from is a good landing, not necessarily an excellent landing, but at least a good one. Life is exactly the same kind of thing. You didn’t fail if you can walk away, or even limp away from your learning experience.

As for humility, if you don’t have much, it’s because you are lying to yourself about yourself.

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I love that analogy, Switter. And, if you haven't already, you'll come to find that I'm a weirdo, especially when it comes to words. I'm an embracer of words-we-should-not-like-and/or-avoid. Failure is one of my favorite words, one of my best teachers. E-ven-tu-al-ly, I have been able to walk away (and then try to hide) from my failures, but there were many times that I landed in a sobbing heap on the floor and stayed there for a bit. Then I learned. That's why I don't want anyone to feel bad about using the word or having the experience. Failure is not defining. It's not shaming (unless you refuse to learn from it, hence the need for humility and in the manner you described). It's a spectacular way to get you going in a better-for-you direction. xo

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I love this analogy Switter. I had a bit of a breakthrough moment Wednesday in the CPT group therapy I’m doing. This makes perfect sense to me (now). You know when you can’t see what’s right in front of you? Yet when someone else describes it all of a sudden you see it so clearly? Ya, it was one of those aha moments. I’m going to write this one down on a sticky note for future reference. 👍💪

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I told my son once when he was five that we learn from our mistakes. He seriously and earnestly asked me if that was why I’m so smart. 😳

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YO ! My son asked me the same question at 10 Y'old, by which time he was already smarter than me, then at 15 he pointed out that his older Bro is smarter than us both. Now we are a self teaching triad....

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AHAHAHA!! That is brilliant. I have a five-year-old grandson and I can totally see him saying something like this too. Smart little whips those 5-year-olds!

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Yes yes yes!! Let yourself have fun while you’re learning! Cheering for you and wishing all the most ease of creative joy. ✨

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Fun is the lubricant, n'est-ce pas ?

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Thanks Lisette. This art thing is proving to be way more fun than I thought. It's also totally changed how I view 'mistakes'. It's probably been the best teacher in that department!

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Yes I needed this today! I need to have fun learning— new technology! I get so impatient and frustrated. When I ask hubby for help he rubs my shoulders before anything and I respond, “Is it that obvious that I’m completely stressing over this?”

Thx for this mantra.

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How odd ! There is so much fun in your posts Carissa. Don't you chuckle when proofing ? I find it such a relaxing process---

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I love the writing and yes I do entertain myself. I’m referring to learning how to edit my comedy videos.

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Oh wow, you’re really leaning into technology hard with editing video. I’m sending you extra brain power and patience as you learn this task! I’ve only dabbled, so good on you Carissa. I’m sure you’ll be a snappy editing pro in no time.

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Thx for the vote of confidence. I first spent many hours on tutorials for iMovie and practically camped out at the Apple Store. It was so user unfriendly. Even tech savvy hubby said, “I can’t work with this.” He downloaded Adobe Premiere Rush for me. Better already.

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Yikes, new technology needs to have a special category all it's own. I totally get the impatience and frustration. I can see where this mantra would come in extra handy for tech! All hail the wonderful techie people in our lives. And condolences to anyone who doesn't have one. They provide much happiness to many with their skills. They also seem to be very patient. A trait I'm still learning. lol.

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I’ve been told that spouses should not try to teach their spouses how to drive a car, fly an airplane, or backup an rv. Now, thanks to you, I understand why. They don’t take the time to put their dearly beloveds at ease.

Thanks for the insight.

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Ah, Switter. In fine form yet again. lol.

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Haha. I should have rubbed hubby's shoulder the time he tried to back up at RV.

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I saw an rv pillow with the message, “Honey, I didn’t really mean all those things I said to you when you were backing up.”

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