The author with her ultimate therapy dog, Ryder, who’s always looking for a little love and always giving it.

Hello and welcome! I’m so glad you are here.

Life (un)Learned is meant to inspire, enquire, and pave the way for those of us making a major life transition, whether by choice or circumstance, no matter what age we find ourselves making it. And no matter what stage we’re in of the transition.

This weekly newsletter is about unlearning everything that’s held you back in life.

It’s also about creating a cozy and safe space to talk, share, laugh and learn about navigating those big life transitions that are often accompanied by big and outsized feelings.

You will learn how to navigate your own big life transitions; understand the challenges you face along the way and the unexpected rewards as you take the time to allow yourself to embody the change before moving too quickly to ‘what’s next?’  

Whether you want to cry, laugh, grieve or throw a party—major life transitions can be as unsettling as a birth or a death. They also provide an opportunity. To unlearn beliefs or habits, so you can create the space to be able to find out what’s next—instead of rushing headfirst into the next thing out of fear or because you “just want to move on.”

Take a beat. Take a rest. Take a moment.

Here at Life (un)Learned I want you to feel at home. With yourself and your body. Not sure how? That’s what you’ll discover here.

All subscribers will enjoy:

  • Interviews with artists, writers, and experts to inspire you in your own renewal and change in direction.

  • A snappy advice column based on the wisdom I received from my long-time therapist who is now dead.

  • Monthly recommendations on what’s fascinating me these days.

  • Personal essays on work, life, children, relationships, family, growing old, growing wise, growing chin hairs, taking care and taking stock. Anything that might spark an interesting story to tell.

Some of you may be in the ‘squishy middle’ where you are figuring out what’s next, and others have successfully made the transition to the other side. Perhaps you are in the early stages of your big transition and aren’t sure which direction to go.

You are in the right place. Life (un)Learned will help you find your way.

And remember…It’s not you, it’s what you learned along the way.

Thanks for being here. I’m looking forward to meeting you where you’re at.

Keep (un)Learning. KVB. Xo

If you like what you’re reading, please consider supporting Life (un)Learned and become a paid subscriber (at an incredibly nominal annual fee.)

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A bit more about me

I am a writer and woman in mid-life navigating my own major life transition as a recovering CEO. I’m learning and unlearning in real time.

Credentials that aren’t so important to me anymore and yet I worked a lifetime to achieve…

I am a former journalist, communications and PR executive, business owner and CEO. A career spanning over 30 years, with experience working in all aspects of writing, consulting, planning, public engagement, and executive leadership.

Real me:

I love being around, on and in the ocean—daily cold-water swims are essential and my go to natural therapy. Along with my beautiful Bernese Mountain dog, Ryder.

I’m naturally curious and love asking questions. I’m told I can be direct, but isn’t that a good thing? Why waste time on small talk I say! Let’s get right to it.

My grandsons bring me the biggest joy in my life. Thank goodness we get a second chance to play, laugh, sing and be silly (if we didn’t when our own kids were little.)

I am an art-adjacent creative person (meaning my nearest and dearest can draw and paint and I wish I could, although I am now trying.) I am also working on a memoir. Writing is the through line throughout my life and career. It’s lead me here to meet you and hopefully share some stories along the way.

Thanks for being here. KVB. xo

woman sitting on yoga mat in front of the ocean

Subscribe to Life (un)Learned

Where you unravel ingrained beliefs, examine limiting habits, and navigate life transitions with a recovering CEO.


Writer. Reader. Mentor. Guide. Reformed workaholic. Recovering CEO. Ocean dipper. Human being instead of human doing. Lover of good discussions, tea and chocolate.